Endgame content is very important and wanting players to fight over who is number 1 is great for a game.
The way you wanted to bring more competition to endgamers was dull.
It did not bring any new game play content to players, it just had them doing the same thing they have been doing for years, same old grind that JaGeX said they wanted to make less of/ get rid of.
I would like to see NEW content that brings competition, and brings the player a new experience.
To help out old content, you can use the Seasonal HiScores. Each week or month, how ever you set it up it changes, but the challenges become new or diff then the last.
Week 1, who gets the most points in charm spirits.
week 2, most x kills on x boss that seems to have been outdated or ignored.
And so on, this can help a little with less used content.
For endgamers though, you need new content.
23-Oct-2013 20:09:16