For me personally, although I found great achievement and pride getting level 99 in a skill, I was
happier knowing I didn't have to work any more on it along with spending time and money on it. Getting level 99 once alone is a pretty good accomplishment in my opinion. (Although level 120 + more content and a nice cape could be pretty cool!)
Having said that, the 'reset' and prestige idea I think would be rather tedious and would end up being a competition between the top 10 players in the skills. Also, I understand that is it optional but I think a lot of players would feel pressured into prestiging some of their hard earned 99; and could be quite disheartening to some players as they have no longer mastered a skill fully
(excluding 200M exp)
. Consequently, players would spend even more time trying to 'max' out their characters which I deem to be very unhealthy.
As you say, if it doesn't get 75%< 'yes' votes than you will rework it. I think instead of a Call of Duty type prestige system, you should orientate it around the seasonal hiscores. In my opinion the seasonal high scores should be more
focused on skills
and not 'how many laps you can run back and forth in the wilderness'. (Although you could have both kinds for fun)
By having seasonal skill challenge high scores - the competition is still there, but only for a short time, so people don't spend an unhealthy amount of time on it. It also allows players who at one point may not have been able to participate at a high standard in it to eventually do so (for example - I'm never going to be in the all time top 100 players for fishing because I'm only 90 fishing - so I'm slower at fishing than someone who is 99.
, one day when I am 99 fishing I can compete at the same level as them and possibly be in the top 100 player for the seasonal hiscores)
I've cast my vote. Thanks for getting the option of the players!
17-Oct-2013 21:10:28