I love the fact that you can't log in without reminders of what is new in the store and you can't have a new quest without the store selling something connected to it and the fact that that silly worthless loyalty shop hasn't really been updated with the exception on free bank space
I mean what is true loyalty not paying membership for years and years or staying through all the updates and the corrections to the failed updates. that is not loyalty but giving money from our own pockets or our parents in the form of buying more stuff from jagex that is true loyalty
sure it looks like the membership is showing all the loyalty to jagex and jagex showing none to them but hey the people who believe that are most likely the same ones who believed that jagex was really going to stop the constant pushing of the store in every update, news item, quest and what ever. I mean when I read it I knew better I knew you wouldn't actually do what you said it was the funniest joke you have played in a while
Can't wait to see what i can bye next thank you
18-Mar-2013 23:06:46