Blast from the Past
Several cool cosmetic items that you may have missed out on before have now found a permanent home in Solomon's General Store.
Greetings, adventurer.
This week, I present to you an eclectic range of cosmetic items. These fine items are available permanently from my humble shop, and all are available as cosmetic overrides for the first time!
The flaming skull will ensure that your face always lights up the room - in any of the four colours included in the purchase! An even more macabre look can be attained with the ghoulish scarecrow mask , and the turkey hat is unique in that it is both a hat that resembles a turkey, and a hat-wearing turkey. You’ll also find the vicious barbed bow and the electrifying professor hairstyle lining the shelves of my store.
Indulge in any of these fabulous items from my store and they'll be conveniently accessible through your Customisation Interface as cosmetic overrides - or as a premium hairstyle, in the latter case.
Please do drop in at your earliest convenience. If you wish to purchase additional RuneCoins, you can do so here or by clicking ‘Buy RuneCoins’ inside my store – and don’t forget that I offer a 10% discount to all members .
Until next time.

18-Mar-2013 10:04:02 - Last edited on 18-Mar-2013 11:51:45 by Mod William