Unforgivable, like many huge mistakes occurring far too often from the current Jagex *taff. The only reason someone would be crazy enough to purchase these insanely overpriced pieces of crap would be to have a slightly unique item. If nothing is ever exclusive, you're devaluing them. While you may make a few thousand quick bucks now, eventually you'll milk all the money you'll ever get from players and this game will be even worse off than it is now.
Cosmetics suck enough as it is, but incorporating RWT into them is ridiculous. Even if Jagex never made a promise not to re-release exclusives, they did promise to tone down SGS and Soloman after countless complaints. They can't even slightly decrease the size of the problem when they should be getting rid of it entirely.
Jagex is only lucky that its players are patient and/or addicted to the game.
18-Mar-2013 18:17:58