> Mints posted:
When did they ever lie about never making these items available again? The T&C says they have the rights to give these items out again whenever they want to, so technically they never lied?
Yes, TECHNICALLY, they never lied. Anyone can get around anything with technicality and fine print. It's their game, they'll do what they will for some extra cash.
It's the fact that they label them as "exclusive" when they're not to get some quick cash from people that they wouldn't have spent otherwise.
Also the fact that people wasted money on keepsake keys for no reason now. Plus they're disposable (one use) so there should be compensation.
I get what your saying now, and agree with the keepsake key part. I know one person in game keepsake'd their flaming skull, but not anybody else.
I wish they would tell stupid solomon I already own The Professor hairstyle though. & maybe while their at it let me have the flaming skull re-skin for free, idc for the physical version any more. lol
Lost Woods numba 1, (NOT EE, Those scrubs are liars ;p)
*~War Tortoise
18-Mar-2013 18:02:10