To be honest, I didn't get the Gold membership for the promotional items (with the exception of the Paladin armor; that's pretty spiffy). I could take or leave most of them. I bought it because it basically came out to 2000 runecoins for 14 bucks, and everything else was just a perk (and I prefer to pay for things up front). So, my ******* aren't particularly twisted, personally.
HOWEVER. A lot of people did buy Gold membership, or bought the rather overpriced game cards specifically for these items, and they obviously feel rather cheated. I know I would feel *especially* so if I bought a keepsake key for one of these items.
I'm not going to say you shouldn't put these things in the store. I do, however, think that there are better ways of doing this. One, give owners of the items the ability to trade the items for skins. I see no reason why SGS can't keep track of who has promotional items, since it can keep track of my pally armor. Two, refund any wasted keepsake keys. Especially if it's cheaper to buy the skin from SGS than to buy a key.
Honestly, I'd rather see an overhaul to the customization in general (and one that would probably solve all of these issues, at that), but I won't get into that here. All I'm going to say here is that this could have been handled better.
19-Mar-2013 00:43:28