I'm not arguing that hiscores is a representation (however flawed) of subscribing members. Jagex made the OSR vote members-only, so yes, within that limited population, the vote for OSR was not a minority.
Within the runescape playerbase at large - and by that I mean f2p and p2p and classic - the vote is still a minority. Because, according to the only official figure we have to go on (until Jagex releases another, more current one), the f2p/p2p ratio is around 70/30, meaning subscribed accounts themselves are a minority. While this would seem to support d4's point that a minority/the vocal minority effected a change, I *again* point out that there was an outside event that brought the OSR vote about in the first place - the creation of a separate, privately owned server 07scape that Jagex then brought legal action against (or at least threatened legal action against) - that brought the matter to their attention/made them take it seriously. NOT the vocal minority in the rs forums, regardless of what Gerhard may have said in the introduction of the vote for OSR. (And by the by, this is one of the instances where he contradicted himself. He said, back when I quoted both Gerhard and the vp of another company that the vocal minority does not trump the majority, he said you couldn't take the word of a CEO of a gaming company at face value because they are paid to take a rosy picture (paraphrasing here). Then, when he quoted Gerhard about the OSR vote, he said it must be taken at face value (again, paraphrasing here). That's a contradiction in terms.)
Another thing he has failed to realize is that both the FT/Wildy vote and the OSR vote were not valid, by his own terms that he attempted to invalidate the EoC survey with - we can't know how many dual votes there were, we can't know how many were fraudulent. And besides, we also can't know how many people voted who had no intention of ever using OSR (I'm one), etc.
My motto is to be nice if I can, but also to not suffer trolls.
04-Jul-2013 00:32:27