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You do realize that those figures only represent a limited amount of players in one moment and are not at all an accurate portrayal of the literal figures? While I agree that 07 players are a minority, I cannot agree that everyone supportive of the RS3 want every hairbrained idea that Jagex is stuffing into it, such as these lodestones.
True, but since Jagex doesn't release a whole lot of figures, it's difficult to get a completely accurate picture. These are two figures that can be seen every day.
Or, we could look at two other figures that Jagex does release.
Runescape recently passed 200 million registered accounts. There were 449,351 votes for old school. Even if we presume that only 25% of the registered accounts are still active and playing the current runescape and not old school, that's 50 million accounts. If we took the figure down to 10%, that's 20 million players. Even if we took the amount down to 1%, that's still 2 million players.
Guess what? Still a minority of votes for old school runescape vs. players who play the current runescape. Less than 25%, even at the 2 million figure. And not all of those votes were from people who actually play old school - I voted for it to be nice/support the players who wanted it (and to be a little selfish to be honest, because if they're playing old school, that means they are not on the current servers which means less competition for resources and bosses, etc) but I have no intention ever of playing old school.
And sure, every current game player won't like every update. Doesn't mean there aren't current game players who like the lodestone update. (I'm one, and there are others who have posted on this thread.)
My motto is to be nice if I can, but also to not suffer trolls.
22-Jun-2013 22:39:34