personally i think this is stupid your going to have player's leave EoC for 07 rs and mabe if your lucky have a small old fan base return to try out ' What they have already played ' and gotten over a long time ago, runescape is like everything else needs to evolve or its going to die ... if you started listening to what people want in the current game and were fair about it then runescape might be considered as a contender still for 1 of the most popular mmorpg's, people come on the game to escape there current reality for the runescape experience , i see this as 1 of the most stupid money making scams you could try pull off... the question is does jagex even love runescape anymore? , with the releases of all these new games also, its seems like they are on a money making spree and trying to pull something out of the hat that the world might like with all this hype then later dying down say in 3 weeks due to the fact that it was once good now time has passed there is better. jagex is moving backwards not forwards and that is the problem. EoC is not even acceptable in my terms of a game yes its runescape though you didnt put any love into the interface of the game in general, its very rusty, give us something we have not seen yet... give us what we want to experience in the game... give us the future of runescape eoc to look forward too... just STOP giving us ********. because that is whats killing runescape nothing else. the faith and hope for rs is staying by a slightest thread jagex... u all know that and it could break at any point now.
this is ofcourse only my opinion though.
14-Feb-2013 00:49:32