Spraying 15-Feb-2013 06:25:17 Profile Highlight @d unforgiven
"A few days too obtain 40 fishing and cooking, yeah seems fair except 1 simple thing. There will be such little GP in the game, the main source of GP in the game for the greater part will be High alching, that'll require runecrafting, woodcutters, flax picking, fletching, mining ess, 55 magic. maybe after a few weeks of alot of people going at it, it might be viable but yeah.
and as for Rune scimitars in a few days, i'll be surprised if anyone has 85 mining and 90 smithing within a month. and even then the economy will have too be great enough too sell the first 100 rune scimitars for such an affordable price."
your forgetting how much rune is dropped from monsters. also, yes, there will be people making money by picking flax, and othes will be making money (or saving their esses until they can) and others will be doing rc to sell the runes. still others will be wcing for money (or more precisely the levels to make money)
if there are (lets use what i beleive will be a low ball number) 100000 players going to the new game. Odds are, they will be spread out and there will be around 5k on at anyone time. this means that there will be 3 servers at least, more likely 4 or 5.
a good percent will be doing mining, for the esses (lets say about 500) and another will be doing magic, (in the early days more likely killing goblins and such to get the money to buy cheap runes, but later buying nats to alch). lets say another 200 are buying ess and making runes to sell. another 200 will be fishing and likely cooking those fish.
to make it short, there will be people doing almost every skill, and at the begining, most will make money, albet not much, but things will not cost much either.
in the early days, it will be worth it to alch things like green dragon armor, just as it was in the early days of rs2.
frankly my dear, I couldn't give a dam. never had a river to build one on.
veteran of 4 runescapes
15-Feb-2013 06:33:25
- Last edited on
15-Feb-2013 06:34:22