I like the ideas! However, a lot of the RuneScape community wouldn't be so supportive. A lot of people nowadays feel the need to raise their opinion above others, and this is where society fails us.
I, for one, acknowledge that it's an opinion. If I wanted to say something, I would just debate it out like a civilized person should do. No need for yelling and screaming, it's just our opinions being discussed. That's how I view it, anyways.
That being said, in my opinion, I feel that rares should be added. However, I feel they should be added at a later time. On top of that, the rares should become a non-trade item.
A rare item could also be dropped in the...well, I can't even think of it. It could be dropped in a Drop Party in Falador! This would surely bring back Nostalgia amongst players like me who would run around, lagging furiously, just to get a chance at a good drop when a richer individual stepped up to the plates.
The reason I suggest that the items become non-trade is based around the idea that the economy remains in balance. The introduction of rare items into the future economy could turn into endless spam and useless ranting.
Now what if you were to combine your drop chances with my Drop Party idea? They could drop the amount of rares earned over, oh, say a couple months?
Say you had 200 party hats. Party hats are just an example, this could really be used with any rares. You could drop a party hat every 12 hours or so. It would take around 100 days for all of the hats to drop, but it would be a good balance. Not everyone has a hat, and people have more opportunities to get one as well!
15-Feb-2013 06:29:21