Feb 2011
23-Jan-2013 18:52:01
Profile Highlight
I personally think, a side server (Like the Beta was) would be awesome to bring in some extra money for Jagex. Lots of people are willing to pay the same price, if not more to play a 2006 version of RuneScape. They could make it so you have to be a RuneScape member to play, and pay a price to play. Or just pay for the server. You would be able to transfer your account (Stats only) and it wouldn't effect the current RuneScape in the Least. That's an insight from my perspective. Surely they can do that, it's the fear of losing real RuneScape players for the 2006 Runescape server they would be worried about.
^ that question got addressed and answered by mod mark on a pre-EoC livestream, it got answered a direct "no" , with basically a "adapt or quit logic" behind it , now that time has passed and yes, the did lose a mass of players (myself included) to private servers. i wonder if Mod Marks answer and opinion is still the same?
23-Jan-2013 18:58:52