Well, as long as Jmods actually read the forums, I guess I'll throw in my two cents:
As a Maxed Combat player, who frequently uses Nex+ gear, I need to say something needs to be done about the accuracy system.
My own personal qualm comes from Farheed ( The flame DT boss, whatever his name is ), and his weakness to water. Using Virtus+Virtus Wand+Fire surge, I could not kill him. Nor could he kill me. If I had known I had to bring water spells into the tower, I would have, but nonetheless, I had to close the browser just to restart the tower.
Moving down, I see plenty of players having issues using lower level gear at low-mid level bosses ( Everyone has enough common sense not to use a whip at Nex at least ), but I feel accuracy is too much of a hinderance at this point.
The only thing I can think of is to increase accuracy on all weapons, but that would unbalance the current EoC. More possibly, I think that Accuracy ( And Strength. Getting 99 Strength for up to an additional 116 damage is pointless ) should be a reflection of your attack level as well as the weapon.
So, the new formula could receive an additional accuracy bonus ( Say, each attack level gives 2-3 additional accuracy points, while strength gives an additional 2-3 damage per level - 270+ more damage is much more considerable. ) Or, even high, Keep the base accuracy formula mentioned here, and adjust it per tier. ( Level 10 gear would only receive a +0.5 bonus for instance, Drygore would be boosted to +3 ).
At the very least, High level players would still be able to pvm ( poorly ) with standard, level 70 gear. They're not all rich you know ;P With some type of update like this, players could be encouraged to pvm again, with players who take the time and effort to use the most power equipment available to them having the highest advantage ( of course ).
Just for your consideration, cheers!
23-Jan-2013 18:24:53