
What's Coming & What's Going

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Posts: 6,728 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Community involvement has come a long way compared to what it was years ago. There are still bumps in the road.

I feel like the RS Deviant ART group is lacking in engagement and attention compared to the facebook, twitter and youtube accounts.

People are trying to join the DeviantART group and haven't been accepted yet, while art contributors are waiting for approval for their art.

Mod Phoenix deserves a pat on the back because she jumped right on the problem and is looking into it. However more than 24 hours has passed since she was made aware of the problem, telling me that another J-Mod of group administrator needs to be involved with correcting these problems.

Not enough attention is brought to the DeviantART group IMO, and I wish there was more competitions or art requests besides the main gallery for the group. I think it's something worth looking into, to make that group more robust.

Next I am very excited for the improvements you want to do to Runescape. I've always been a big fan of graphical updates, and no possibility gets me more excited that updating our houses! I know such an update will likely come towards the end of 2013, but it's the update I want to see the most! Construction and POHs have been very neglected and need more purpose and show off value.

~Sacorbus the acorn

23-Jan-2013 17:53:59

Mage Girl 91

Mage Girl 91

Posts: 4,125 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zarosian's just wrong about everything lol.

"You shouldn't make an alt at all, if you can pk on a noob account, why can't you pk on a maxed main."
Why pk on a maxed main? vs another maxed main your chances of winning any fight are exactly 50% because they are identical to you. Pures add some Variety to the game and make it more fun.

The point of RS is to change. Change is good."

Lets change runescape into a 2d farmville game, it's a change, change is good! it will cost less to maintain and updates will flow in faster than ever before!

Noob became an insult. It means, new player, however, someone who have played for 10 years can call someone who played for 9 years a noob, because, they are a newbie compared to the first person. You're basically saying, censor everything having to do with low lvls."

Newb, means someone who is new at something.
Noob, has always been an insult, meaning that a person regardless of how long they have participated in something act as though they are a newb.

"I don't miss specs, specs were money based, i hated that someone with dclaws who had done no quests, had lvl 60 cb stats, could kill me, someone with 300+ quest points, 80+ cb stats, but who couldn't afford dclaws."

Thanks to the most recent update, your characters strength relies on the equipment you can afford more than ever before! That level 160 with torva? He's only about 100 times stronger than that level 200 maxed player in rune.
Original message details are unavailable.

23-Jan-2013 17:54:41



Posts: 3,468 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
thanks for the post, and tbh the best community involvement in my eyes is replying to our random posts like you are in page one of this thread, just having a chat with us instead of making a one post sticky thread with a speech and never seeing you again for like 75 page posts makes me feel like you don't actually pay attention to what we're saying until you guys are ready to make another speech, browse through the post and look for a comment saying then go talk about in your speech and that makes me feel like a statistic not a member of the community.

i'm not a good talker so hopefully if you read this you get my meaning in that pile of ramble.

23-Jan-2013 17:55:30

I Walnut

I Walnut

Posts: 205 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
nice example of being completely made up from an EoC hater.

oh yes i am and like 5k other pures are and like 10k mains and like 20k random kids can you make a count thats around 35k and lets double that for all people who has more then 1 acc so yup around 70k membships lost i can count lots of money in a year for jagex

23-Jan-2013 17:55:40



Posts: 103 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The accusations flies rapidly without reason, i didn't start out as a pure. It was only after some years of playing, that i decided i likes PKING the most. I've tried all aspects of the game, and pking simply were the one most to my liking. I would dare to say that without wilderness RS has lost alot of player competitiveness, which i liked in the pking part of the game

23-Jan-2013 17:57:37



Posts: 53 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Too little and too late. You had many many of your really loyal longterm players telling you how unhappy they were and why. Most of what they warned about has come to pass including presumably the membership loss (which will include me in a few months when my membership run* out).

Still do not like EOC. Do not like being so constrained as to what style of combat I use and so limited in what I can wear to be effective, especially as the upset the EOC changes have caused across skilling (things like potions) has meant that I have no reliable money stream anymore. EOC has narrowed the game down considerably for me and taken away most of what I enjoyed.

Kept hoping things would improve. Looked forward to the desert tasks but will not be completing either of the top tier task sets because you have put really high use of dominion tower as part of ***h of them. The Elite Dom Tower task would have been fine - but to put it in both hard and elite is crap for people who really hate combat and it feels like it is part of the bigger picture to force people into doing more fighting - especially those of us who dislike EoC. There are plenty of other desert combat based challenges that could have been put into the hard task set instead of having 2 Dom Tower ones and locking people out. Even the trekking part of the Morytania set was fine because at least that had some story to it (weak though it is) and includes puzzle type things. Dominion Tower is just hours and hours of combat grind. So no task master emote back for me as I have those two tasks outstanding in my overall task set and no drive to spend hours and hours in combat to earn them before my membership runs out.

Not even touching the bots issue especially the way it is still impacting slayer tasks, or the loss of purpose of, and therefore impetus to train in, prayer. Or Solomon and squealie wheelie. And so many other issues.

These platitudes are just too little and too late.

23-Jan-2013 17:58:02

Feb Member 2010


Posts: 508 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hi there, i just wanted to say something about the botting. Over the past serveral yrs i'v come up with a grand design for banning/muting players that run bots. Though i'v had this ideal for some time now but i dont know what thread under forums to place it under. My ideal is far stronger in my own opion then the Botany Bay. My ideal has a few unique features to it and i think it would be in jagex interest to read it. atleast thats my own opion again. If you are interested in hearing my ideal then send me a message or reply to this one. oh and of course let me know where i can post my ideal in the thread forum. thx for reading and enjoy your adventures ppl.
2x 200m skills
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23-Jan-2013 17:58:03

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