"It was Albert Einstein who said “anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”
lol idiotic, how about this
"it was runescape community who sayd "whats already good dosnt need to be changed"
u didnt need to implement eoc, u just think u got good ideas and blahblahblah
but u dont relialize people prefer it pre eoc
u think everymonth u hafto bring updates to the game, most updates u bring are bad. like for instance the way u changed barrows armor looks. barrows armor looked so cool before. u didnt hafto change it but u did becuase why? sad just sad
steadfast boots looks cool, i bet sometime ur gonna change it just to update something in the game, dont change whats already good cmon!!
however u still can revert eoc, just remove it and fix kalphite king so u can do him without eoc. i mean, its not much work. u lost half ur players because of this eoc. u can make alot of them come back, u just hafto understand u dont hafto change whats already good, that things dosnt need to be changed just because
"It was Albert Einstein who said “anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”
all armor stats, bossing, basiclly everything was bether pre-eoc. only pop update was good. now u can allways remove eoc and keep pop? how about that, oh wait jagex lacks leadership and dont see this. why am i wasting time writing this sireusly.
im just so mad, i dont understand why evolution of combat came to runescape, it was not needed whatsoever.
N E R D R A G E!
25-Jan-2013 12:11:48