the best thing you could do for Runescape and the community would be to admit that EOC was a horrible mistake, has lost you many paying players, and either offer us Non-EOC worlds that we cn play in, or just completely delete EOC from the game. You claim to have a huge staff to support...well how about splitting them into two to work on a Non-EOC game and the other to try to fix the horror that EOC is? When Coke came out with New Coke years ago, they thought they could force it down their customers throats if they just "hung on long enough people would adjust". It didn't happen. They lost major market share, and had to back down and re-issue "Old Coke" to try to reclaim all their customers who went elsewhere. Even that didn't completely work. But at least they are no longer a failing entity. EOC is runescapes "New Coke", and it has landed with such a thunk that it literally drove loyal players to other games. Some of these players privately e-mail me to tell me about the fun they are having elsewhere, asking me to join them. Some say they will come back if EOC goes, either with Non-EOC worlds to play in, or is just deleted completely. A few say they no longer trust Jagex and runescape to care what real players think, an that these forums are produced as "propaganda" and are populated by "tushie-kissers". They will not come back until they see a real change. I really miss all the people who used to play. People who earned their respect and xp the hard way. People who didn't have to have the game "dumbed down", so they could "achieve with minimal effort". What they are saying is making real sense to me, and because I miss them, I will in time be going too, if something isn't done to delete EOC in at least some worlds.
Not happy with os
25-Jan-2013 13:12:06