Idk what you have in mind for the wilderness. From what i understood the update are targeting pking clans? That's good, but don't forget that there are soloers too.
Imo pking was nice before 14 jan, since then wilderness equipment are unbalanced, you have high tier weapons (80+ common) and you don't have high tier armour (70/75 common), and in the update strict rule you get hit like you were wearing nothing.
Before this update you would have strictly skill based fights, where you could control pretty much the output of the fight, but now we have a large luck factor due to high dps from high tier weapons that will hit every single time, and will hit high, no mather the armour class. If it's of a lower tier then the weapon tier you're done.
^ This is easy to confirm, if you do a pking trip today you'll mostly find people in royal dhide, even full rune is becoming a rare sigh. Before the update it was common to find people in full barrows, etc.
So i suggest fixing the equipment stats, and leaving it like it was before jan 14. If you're going to update the wilderness try not to destroy what it have good today.
23-Jan-2013 17:22:13