Mr. Gerhard and the rest of the rs team (and jagex) thank you! I do really love eoc and this new content, but most of the community as you said was angry, and I can understand that but THANK YOU, for updates like EOC that made the game fresh! It is why I got membership again, it made the game so much more fun and made lower level players a tougher opponent as it added SKILL to the system. And QBD was a nice touch (loving Royal Dragonhide armor comboed with my Dragon and Grifolic helm) I hope you can pull out more updates that improve the game. Maybe even open up rs classic to more people? (just had to ask I really want to experience it not on a private server uck) Anyways I just had to say thank you and I hope 2013 is a nice big year for runescape!
23-Jan-2013 16:21:18
- Last edited on
23-Jan-2013 16:22:31