@ AaronInferno
I agree! I live in the US and I don't believe I have every seen any type of advertising for RuneScape. I think I may have seen 1 or 2 banners online. I found out about the game from a friend in school back in the day, and I think that's really how it gets around here. Advertising could do wonders for this game.
@ K96969 Thanks for the flame!
For one thing, I didnt find pvp fun before eoc. Sparc mac and a few others are still making pk vids. Just not like before. When dharoks was overpowered at the beginning of the eoc release there were tons of pk vids, and after it was nerfed people slowed. All this means is that pvpers are lazy and only pk if they have overpowered equipment and can easily get kills with little to no effort, rather than really learning the abilities and using some skill. (for example, ags, claws, dh, korasi etc.)
its not fun for you because there are no overpowered weapons that will allow you to beat the tar out of noobs without even trying, you actually need some skill now.
23-Jan-2013 14:31:07
- Last edited on
23-Jan-2013 14:36:20