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Posts: 30 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Even though im a skiller,
I really think the eoc is fine, i love the sheathe option, the new abilities and the combat bar when skilling!

Please make some more updates this year for 'skillers' and i know this most likely will not be answered but, will 'skillers' be able to effectively train the first new skill this year?

or will it be like slayer where you just lamp it up?

go jagex!

23-Jan-2013 15:25:36

Ian Peregrin

Ian Peregrin

Posts: 739 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Judging from the "players currently online", and even allowing for better bot detection, it seems the community shrunk by as much as a third last year, and more likely close to half.

I'd be happy if it hadn't taken that much to "improve communications". But improved, at last, they have.

I find it refreshing to hear Mod MMG not sugarcoating Jagex' economic situation in 2012, and that micro-payments did not come up due to popular demand, but against the wishes of a large majority, out of economic necessity.

I, for my part, still boycott the Squeal of Fortune, since it constitutes real world trade in the way it has always been understood by Jagex and the community at large. I do not see problems with the sale of strictly ornamental items that give no advantage in game terms.

I see the "premier" membership as a good way to support Jagex: It comes with almost no in-game advantages (especially for a strict non-spinner). But allows me to give back & support a company and product - I pay a little more, but I can afford it, and the fact that I pay more does not give me an unfair advantage over those who can't or won't. (Yes, there are some niceties and cosmetic goodies in the bundle, and they are appreciated.)


I'm not sure for how many I speak here: I do care for this game, and thus for the people who make it. If there is a problem I can do my part to help out, fine, let us hear about it, you'll find us supportive. But at least I don't want to buy advantages over others who can't afford them, hence, I don't want to buy xp or RS gold out of principle.

That real world economic standing gave you no advantages in RS has always been one of its major attractions to me. I still hope that cosmetic items, in-game advantage free "premier" membership and etc. can generate a solid enough income base that Jagex can return to this policy.

Guthixspeed! :-)

23-Jan-2013 15:26:16 - Last edited on 23-Jan-2013 15:27:34 by Ian Peregrin



Posts: 10 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hey guys,

Do you think that you could make runecrafting worth doing again? Ever since EOC came out, runes have been crashing, especially death runes and blood runes. Before EOC, runes were still worth doing and I remember I wanted to get a high level in it. Now, I've all but lost interest in runecrafting, even with runespan. Please try to make runes matter again and good post **w. Here's hoping that 2013 is one of runescape's best years.


23-Jan-2013 15:26:18

Haa Haa Jink
Oct Member 2009

Haa Haa Jink

Posts: 6,602 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Funny Mead

I think there's a line between Rage Quitter and Nostalgia Quitter. I would view you as the latter, and there's nothing wrong with leaving due to nostalgia at all.

Games evolve, especially Runescape - it's NOT the same game I used to play when I was thirteen at all. The difference for me is that I enjoy both the old and new versions of Runescape.

I think the thing with feedback is that sometimes they just don't want to do certain things. I'm not defending that Jagex have made BIG mistakes in the past (for instance, the elf quests, what's even going on with that) but I would assume we can either take that they read our posts and pass it on, or ignore us. Personally I think they do read it, they just can't answer everyone, and they're obviously selective of who they reply too. It's a choice between whether you believe it or not.

Rage Quitters I hate more than the SOF. People who say: OMG YOU MOVED MY TREE * * I AM LEAVING or people who make assumptions that people think this way when they don't. I've been playing since I was 12, and I'm 19 next month. I still enjoy the game, and I certainly miss Bank Sales, but I wouldn't do something as extreme as quit because the EOC was such a big change.

If you do leave, I seriously wish you all the best. But I know from experience that people just completely ignore feedback if it's insulting.

I think the best example is the World 66 Riots. Jagex said somewhere (a livestream I think) that they know it happens, but they don't even bother acknowledging it.

23-Jan-2013 15:26:26

Otho Forge
May Member 2023

Otho Forge

Posts: 24 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i hope your only talking about lower lvld monsters, boss's I.E. QBD where food is a necessity, and NEX i might be lucky if i have time to use a healing ability. IMO EOC is amazing in every way, and should only be praised for what it is. "Evolution Of Combat". If anything, you need food more than ever now.

23-Jan-2013 15:26:30



Posts: 1,366 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Wolfs Pain, it is good to hear you hope to help make a difference! Nice to have people in this community like you :D Hope to see you around in-game!

"It doesn't matter what you've heard, impossible is not a word, it's just a reason, for someone not to try"

23-Jan-2013 15:26:48

Nath x
Dec Member 2023

Nath x

Posts: 438 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
in all fairness, you cannot judge how a game is doing by total players online at once...maybe they all went to get coffee...maybe if you seen the figures for Accounts logged in from one day, you'd change your views.

Join me and other friends in Mod Mark's FC! Go W00ters!

23-Jan-2013 15:27:35



Posts: 174 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Mod Mmg
Your reply to someone on p47 is ill-relevant about the subject of the post. My bet is that he has lost faith in this company and hates the direction it is going. My advice is to go back to good old runescape before this EOC. The old combat system had nothing wrong with it and this new system is still too out of wack. -From a concern player

23-Jan-2013 15:28:00

Sep Member 2007


Posts: 1,037 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@lvl4 Pray

I too await content for skillers and quest seekers. The first new skill that is promised it said to be a "gathering" skill like wood cutting or fishing. The second is a production skill based on the resources of the first. (Like fletching or fire after woodcutting or smithing after mining.)

So yes we can train it, no need to "lamp it up"

23-Jan-2013 15:28:15



Posts: 455 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@MMG. You said: "But crucially, 2013 is about ensuring that your hard-earned legacy is respected – everything you've done and worked so hard to achieve will remain as amazing and relevant as it has ever been."

I am maxed, all 99's, almost completionist apart from Dung and I feel like all the grinding and hard work that I've put into my account since I started in March 2005 has been undermined totally. What with all these free xp handouts left, right and centre and bonus items from Sof and d&d's...

Also I would like to point out that The Runespan totally changed Runecrafting from being boring, slow xp and maximum input needed from the player to more fun but insanely fast xp and afkable. You can't justify what a kick in the teeth that was to players like myself who had worked and strained to 99 before Runespan.

I detest the involvement of you giant investor too and I can't see my future with Runescape being much longer.

23-Jan-2013 15:28:21

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