"Micro-payments are vital".
You went from $5.00 a month. and increased it twice to now around $7.45 or so a month.
+ People paying for spins + You have membership deals of "unlocking gear" if you use a $25.00 gift card, or pay for 3 months, Solomans General Store, and the new Bronze silver and gold or w.e memberships.
If you killed off on that crap got rid of eoc and actually made the game "based" off end 2006-early 2007, this game would be great to play and wouldn't need those micro payments.
But you don't listen, you never listen, you probably wont read this post, you probably don't care. Neither do I. I have lost SO much faith in this game the only reason I come back to the forums is to see if anything is being done about it. I refuse to log in this game anymore.
I remember getting up everyday with a plan to do something and have fun doing it.
Now i log in and I dont even know what to do or where to begin and i've been playing for over 6 - 7 years now.
This game don't need new content or micro payments, I needs improvements on what already exists to make it more fun. Can't you realize that?
You want to update animations? Perfect! You want to add new weapons and armour perfect!
we LOVE that stuff. We don't love getting our game we grew up with getting changed into something we don't even know what it is anymore.
Jagex, Please, You are becoming LIKE every other MMORPG. We dont want what other mmorpgs have, we want what we HAD. Can't you see that?
This list of these things you say are nothing but lies to us to try to make us happy. It's not, what makes us happy is playing the game we enjoyed when we where noobs all the way up till we max out and go on about how succesfull we where in such a great game we enjoy everyday.
I don't enjoy playing everyday, I dont enjoy the first second I think of playing. I tried the EOC, New account, and main account. I'll never play again. I'm sorry, but My faith and hope into you is gone.
I hope you understand.
03-Feb-2013 04:46:41