Personally I like EoC for the most part. And SoF isn't bad either. It rewards me logging in everyday. I doubt I'll buy spins because of the randomness but it's nice none the less IMO.
The store is pretty cool too. It allows you to look how you want while using gear that still gives you the best stats(which you may not like the look of). I think RS is heading the right direction personally.
Dreamless 52 - I don't find the possibility likely.
Mark Gerhard just gave us a statement of nice, kind words without considering how the masses truly feel about this situation.
2006 -SHOULD- of happened years ago. Instead Jagex just goofed around with Squeal of Fortune and Solomon's General Store. Refer-a-Friend and the Loyalty Programme were two more steps in the wrong direction.
Excuse me Jagex team, just recently I have started the Hero's Quest. I reached the part where I have to kill Grips through the window frame. However, Grips is not in the room in any world and I don't know how to complete the quest. Please respond with some information that can help.
the eoc was a good update for pvming but it killed pking and that is all i use to do i would like to see the ep system come back so pking can be fun like it use to be the ep system was a good system where pkers could make money and there was alot of clan pking which was fun
i also think we should have different servers like ep system bh crater pvp and a eoc server where rs players can pick where they want to play but if this is done we should not have to start from scratch like me i got alot of money and a max cape and i would hate to restart from nothing and have to get all my things back
Has all Special Attack been deleted? If so, How do I complete the Another Slice of H.A.M. quest? I have found no way to put a dent in Sigmund. When I encounter him, he is level 100 and never loses any LP, he stays at 100 percent. Also is there a specific spot on the site for asking questions? Thanks