Jagex how long are you gonna keep us waiting?!
I've been checking in on the website EVERYDAY since EoC came out, hoping that there would be a change - A change to play with or without EoC by choice!
How much more proof do you need? 33.5k ACTUAL PEOPLE has signed with their full name, adress and ******* on an petition that asks for you to make EoC optionable! Is it that hard to compromise? Yes there is alot that loves EoC, which i would more likely call RS3, but there is atleast as many that wants the old system back!
Please Jagex, i miss playing Runescape - And i have given EoC a chance, didn't like it. I wish i did, but i don't.
Let the good times roll Jagex like you have done for all theese years, cheers from an 2003 player.
01-Feb-2013 20:21:56