@ AceWeaver
That isn't even logical man. The game doesn't get "worse" because people say it is something it isn't.
Look at the player count Ace, it was over 4x that before EOC, and you're conclusion it is better? lol, That is funny.
Anyways, most of the player base LEFT AFTER EOC had been out for a week or more... this shows a significant amount of the players had the time to "try" it out... like you suggest, and they didnt' like it and are still continuing to leave based on failure to correct the mistake as well as the idiotic diversions and distractions.
If you like EOC, I suggest you try other MMORGPs that aren't browser based... they are often FFA, years more experience, more complex and deeper EOC style combat systems and have been developing these things for years... let alone graphic content being alot better (as they have a lot better perimeters).
Runescape was different, it's strongest points were what is missing in this cheap candy version of a deluded WoW game.
28-Jan-2013 21:48:18