Continued from last post
-Game updates
I would actually prefer less in-my-face updates every week if it meant we got one really good quest every month or so. It may seem slow for some, but I believe most would like to actually finish a quest before a new one is introduced. For WoW, it usually takes months between content patches so that everyone has time to try the new content. And as I stated earlier, include us in some of the decisions. Guaranteed content polls were amazing because I could feel like I was putting something into the game for others to see.
Finally I reach the biggest update to ever grace the world of Gielinor, the Evolution of Combat. This was much more than just a combat rework, it was in truth a rework of Runescape. It affected much more than just combat, in good ways and bad. My opinion is that it should be removed temporarily and re-implemented in stages. When EOC was first announced, I fully supported the idea and saw the potential for it.
When beta came out, it was really different then what I imagined. For many players, it was too much of a shock and they simply quit. I also believe it was too much to roll out at once. Taken in increments and with player interaction, the devastation could have been reduced. I understand that this was your first real try at a beta, but content needs to take time and not be rushed. When I logged onto Runescape after the release of EOC, I took a look around, noticed a lot had changed, and quickly logged out. Runescape had become something I no longer knew, and it was frightening.
The EOC has great potential, but until that potential is fully realized and integrated in a near-flawless way, most players will not take a second look after they walked away.
28-Jan-2013 20:33:38