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Quick find code: 294-295-157-64458186



Posts: 1,503 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Actions speak louder than words. Good luck convincing people to stay or buy anything if you continue taking no action on all the cheats in your game Jagex.

Your priorities should be:

1) Remove EoC.
2) Remove SoF.
3) Ban ALL of the bots, gamblers, scammers, lurers or remove free trade.
4) Fix the bugs and add more content.

26-Jan-2013 13:32:38

Oct Member 2022


Posts: 43 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I don’t believe we’ve ever actually thanked our members for helping us to make RuneScape into the incredible game it is today, not to mention providing a completely free game for millions of players.

ahahahaha liked that bit ^^ good fight jagex :D haha "million of players" XD

26-Jan-2013 14:12:11



Posts: 1,154 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It would a pleasure to read a post from one of the companys board of directors of the Jagex team.

Alot of my life and I am sure of many others out there has gone into Runescape.
I can honestly say that it has had it's ups and downs just like real life.

The realisation for so many of us runescapers is that there is a fine line between, playing this game and living this game, we all have at some time negelected what we should be doing just to be on Runscape.

I couldn't say that I am not pleased every time I level up.

But the amount of time that it takes to get to maximum levels takes a very long time.
It is no suprise to me that some runescapers out there buy gold from real world traders.

As if they didn't the bots wouldn't be farming gold.

My shoulders are big enough to say! For the benifit of all make it easier for fellow Runescapers to level up and the ones that say it wasn't that easy for me so keep it the way it is.

Maybe they could look back at what they neglected in life to get to maximum levels and not wish it onto another.

This would be a small step into less Runescapers from breaking the rules.
WASD motion handheld controlled Runescape may save this game. Good luck Jagex

26-Jan-2013 14:23:13 - Last edited on 26-Jan-2013 14:53:54 by 2far4u2



Posts: 11 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
okay jagex. i believe you've done great things... not just for this game but for people around the world and you know what i mean. helping to fight cancer and a lot more. well to be honest jagex i'm just a 15 year old boy and i know for a fact you can do many things to save runescape. i don't know if this is a good idea in your eyes but in mine you should release 3 runescapes. runescape 1 being runescape in 2006 form but i'll be honest i did play the game but i wasn't really experienced. runescape 2 being in 2009-2010 with the 10x updates and runescape 3 being the eoc. now i'll be honest i'm 1 defence and not a fan of the eoc but i'm willing to pay double member ship to play rs at it was in 2009. honestly jagex i've said before you're capable of doing great things. you tried a new thing and made a mistake it isn't the end of the world. and it's probably a 10% chance you will take this idea but if you do before you take any action try to get a vote. and another idea is to have a vote to bring rs as it was in it's current state ebfore eoc or what it is now. just like you did with wildy. please jagex don't let us down.

26-Jan-2013 14:27:31

Angel Savior

Angel Savior

Posts: 1,047 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hello Mods and Everyone,

I found out... I saw them the Bots have offline night to Morning then Bots have be here Morning to Night.... I knew it.... Please rid of bots I'm so wait wait wait in 3 years!!!! I can't get kill Blue Dragons!!!! You know me.... I'm bad mood with very very patience too much!!

I'm still love Runescape.... I don't want see other games. that's my fav Runescape!!

P.s. sorry I was yelled and so upset.

¸„‹•*°ˆ°*•›¸„‹•*°ˆ°*•›~~~Valkyrie of Princess An Angel~~~‹•*°ˆ°*•›„¸‹•*°ˆ°*•›„¸

26-Jan-2013 14:37:37 - Last edited on 26-Jan-2013 14:39:04 by Angel Savior



Posts: 23 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hello JaGeX and fellow 'Scapers! I am really looking forward to the new skills! I think that one should be p2p and the other f2p. Bots are currently a serious problem in RS and i am doing all I can to report, reject, and reveal who is a bot and who isn't! Thanks to all Mods and 'Scapers! Until next time..

.'*|Tok-kil-you|*'. :)

26-Jan-2013 14:53:56

Dawgin It

Dawgin It

Posts: 1,350 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

26-Jan-2013 11:27:05 Profile Highlight
63k players online WAT?"

11:27 GMT... That's about 6:27 where I live, and I'm often on at that time because I can be. I find that it's a time of day where many people in the UK and Europe are at work or school, many people down under are sleeping or getting ready to sleep (check the local time zone there), many people in the USA are getting ready for work or school except for those who are not up for the day yet (again, local time zones). Anyway that means that there are less prople than at some other times of the day who can be logged in, and because of that, while I still have to contend with the bots, there are fewer live players for me to try to grab resources from. But i digress...

11:27 GMT should have fewer logged in because of all the time matters that I mentioned above, and your observation has little or no meaning in the arguement that you are trying to make. For data to be meaningful you have to view the context, not just the raw numbers.

26-Jan-2013 15:07:13 - Last edited on 26-Jan-2013 15:11:40 by Dawgin It

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