26-Jan-2013 11:27:05 Profile Highlight
63k players online WAT?"
11:27 GMT... That's about 6:27 where I live, and I'm often on at that time because I can be. I find that it's a time of day where many people in the UK and Europe are at work or school, many people down under are sleeping or getting ready to sleep (check the local time zone there), many people in the USA are getting ready for work or school except for those who are not up for the day yet (again, local time zones). Anyway that means that there are less prople than at some other times of the day who can be logged in, and because of that, while I still have to contend with the bots, there are fewer live players for me to try to grab resources from. But i digress...
11:27 GMT should have fewer logged in because of all the time matters that I mentioned above, and your observation has little or no meaning in the arguement that you are trying to make. For data to be meaningful you have to view the context, not just the raw numbers.
26-Jan-2013 15:07:13
- Last edited on
26-Jan-2013 15:11:40
Dawgin It