
What's Coming & What's Going

Quick find code: 294-295-157-64458186

Ph il
May Member 2021

Ph il

Posts: 243 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Gotta love how the pvp community is constantly neglected, look at it now its practically gone. Will Jagex ever do something about it? Probably ***. The EOC killed part of the game and Jagex just doesn't care. So let me ask, do you really listen to your players?---Silly question, of course you listen to your players, but only the players who tell you what you want to hear.

It's just another sad story.

23-Jan-2013 21:10:42

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23-Jan-2013 21:11:32



Posts: 8 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I've read the original post and several that followed. Some things I agree with while others I question.
EOC: I think we all have to learn to work with the changes. Not because they were made but because I believe some fail to realize that just like Windows updates every couple years so do graphics and other software that make RS run. Sometimes those updates improve the previous workings in the background. While other times it forces what we see and how things work to the front. Its a game and EOC is a challenge we should all take head on. Its difficult (believe me I've been cursing the waterfiends all day) at times but once learned can be an enjoyable part of the game.

Gambling: well, this is not a part of the game and clearly falls outside the integrity of RS. The gambling should be banned and mods should be allowed to silence those that do nothing but attempt to cheat and hurt other players. If you think this gambling doesn't hurt the physical person on the other side of the pixels you are wrong.

Bots: in my opinion someone has their eyes closed to the bot problem. As I said I have been killing waterfiends. Before I logged out there were 21 bots killing the brutal dragons. You can't mill logs into planks without having an ant line of bots. We know where the bots are and so do you Jagex, nuke them and be done with it. You also have moderators why not give them the power to send the obvious bots to botany bay? Something just doesn't pan out right when I see the words "fewer bots" when I know for a fact I am seeing more. Sure there may be fewer advertising gold but there are more earning it to be sold.

All in all I feel it is more the bot problem that has chased people away from playing Runescape then it is the EOC. As I believe EOC is a challenge and true gamers love new challenges in games. What they don't like is not being able to accomplish the challenge because of computers working against them and no hope of it changing.

my 2 cents,

23-Jan-2013 21:14:13

Van Vliet
May Member 2010

Van Vliet

Posts: 1,036 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It's nice to finally know for sure that Jagex will listen to what the community has to say. Let's hope this applies to ALL of the community, RuneScape Classic included. The guys over there are feeling quite ignored and in the dark.

Looking at my post history in 2022 has made me realize I may have had a very minor case of serious brain damage as a kid.

23-Jan-2013 21:17:45



Posts: 430 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Two small points

1. You brag about potion flasks, but you nerfed the potions so hard that they are worthless in combat making the flasks pointless to make because they are worthless.

2. You promised that you would add items to the loyalty shop. Nothing has been added there forever. Who are you kidding?

And, if you really want to make us feel like you are putting all of your money from squeal and solomon back into the game, release your financial statements showing how much was paid in bonuses to upper-management last year as well as if you hired consultants, how much you paid them and who the underlying owner of the consulting company is. Then, release the information about how much money was paid as dividends or otherwise taken out of Jagex and paid to IVP. Only then, we will believe that the intention is to really improve Runescape and not strip it of all of its equity and let it die. Not all of us are little kids here.

23-Jan-2013 21:18:39



Posts: 19,291 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Well I'm gonna be quite honest here and say I am not sure I can trust anything you say here. People seem to be taken in so easily by this but going by your past record of sticking to your word on even miniscule things I just cannot take your word for it. I hope you improve this aspect of Jagex as a company so we are no longer lied to in future. This is more than just a one off product and as such we invest in the longevity of the game. In order for that to be a success we need to be able to trust the company and believe that they can improve and maintain the high standards set by some content.

The most betrayed I felt in this case was when Solomon's General Store turned from Cosmetic to Advantageous. This was ofc in December with the release of the new pets. This may ofc change with the rest of the pets being updated but until then these pets should give no benefit. They would have sold without the benefits and quite frankly they go against what pets should be which is to show off accomplishments and look good. Ofc I have seen arguments from Jagex that this is mere convenience but in a game like Runescape convenience often is advantage.

Additionally as a company you seem rather stubborn. We gave mountains of feedback on SOF for example yet the only changes I see you made were ones that aided those buying spins by making SOF more profitable for want of a better word. The convert to coins option for example does give extra benefits. You may say well it gives less than you can get on the ge for the items but what if I convert an xp lamp to coins or a cosmetic item to coins? Also what benefit do you as a company gain be keeping lamps on the wheel instead of having all current lamp slots be pendants? This ensures people have to play the game to gain xp.

I realise I sound overly negative here but I shall get to more positive things in another of my posts.

23-Jan-2013 21:18:46



Posts: 19,291 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
In addition earlier quests in the year seemed insignificant and in fact one remake in the troll warzone essentially removed part of a storyline. That storyline being the dark mage altar outside of Varrock used to be a druidic altar. Also let's be honest the 3 troll warzone quests should be an introduction to what questing is and there is not that much lore, no puzzle and little combat or dialogue which are all essential in questing. These quests were so boring it could put you off questing for life.

The Morytania and Desert tasks sets are not task sets as they were initially introduced. Tasks sets originally were to show off interesting things that could be done in an area Ardougne being the best example of what they should be. Yet Morytania and the Desert ended up having grindy uninteresting tasks which should imo be left for the completionist cape which is another set of goals in itself.

Speaking of capes of accomplishment imo they should not be combat orientated rewards as they are currently but should instead be for showing off you achieved this thing. This opens up a whole range of stuff you could do to get more combat orientated capes like the fire cape and make use of this new combat system you have.

23-Jan-2013 21:19:03



Posts: 19,291 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Finally I wish to say a word about your website and forums. Essentially they are not up to scratch and quite frankly this needs sorted. I also want to point out you should change No in-game ads on your memberships benefit page to no third part in-game ads as well ads do exist in your members game such as the RAF pop-up that occurs once per account. I know the scale of these is small but you must not falsely advertise something.

Now I know Jagex has great content. While Guthix Sleeps an exceptional quests tying together the storyline and while there are issues with it arguably your greatest content to date which you rightfully made such a fuss over. You never make so much fuss over anything these days.

The Strange Power event. Ok not really content but it sparked so much discussion and speculation that I feel it is content. Additionally it lead onto this huge lore filled skill which while not perfect is really awesome. Just a pity the strange power was only witnessed by those logged on at the time.

Trouble Brewing which is ridiculously fun though sadly lacking players.

I want to believe you can excell this content even if those that made it are no longer there. (I miss Mod Tytn because well his content especially quest wise is kind of amazing).

I want to know what Developers do what. I want to *now more about the people making this game. What they enjoy about it. What they are passionate about. So many of your developers seem to say nothing and not just the content developers. It's a shame really.

23-Jan-2013 21:19:14

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