Two small points
1. You brag about potion flasks, but you nerfed the potions so hard that they are worthless in combat making the flasks pointless to make because they are worthless.
2. You promised that you would add items to the loyalty shop. Nothing has been added there forever. Who are you kidding?
And, if you really want to make us feel like you are putting all of your money from squeal and solomon back into the game, release your financial statements showing how much was paid in bonuses to upper-management last year as well as if you hired consultants, how much you paid them and who the underlying owner of the consulting company is. Then, release the information about how much money was paid as dividends or otherwise taken out of Jagex and paid to IVP. Only then, we will believe that the intention is to really improve Runescape and not strip it of all of its equity and let it die. Not all of us are little kids here.
23-Jan-2013 21:18:39