"I don’t believe we’ve ever actually thanked our members for helping us to make RuneScape into the incredible game it is today, not to mention providing a completely free game for millions of players. So, a very big *thank you’ to our members from myself, the RS team and the free community."
"not to mention not to mention providing a completely free game for millions of players."
"not to mention providing a completely free game for millions of players."
"providing a completely free game for millions of players."
this looks like it has been carefully worded so as to discreetly say that members are paying for the upkeep of the free game, when in actual fact members are paying membership for exactly what it says on the tin - things that require membership, not paying for people who don't pay for the game. This disgusts me, how my money that i willingly pay every month for the game i want to play, is being used to fund someone else's enjoyment when in actual fact i am paying for a service to benefit me, and not someone who isn't going to pay money to play. The free part of the game should be - and to my knowledge up to this point was - paid for by advertisements, and now solomon's general store and the squeel of fortune. As was mentioned in the statement, the money from 'SGS' and 'SOF' was being used to further improve the graphical and audio aspects of the game, aswell as technology, infrastructure and 'lag'. Surely this money should be used to provide the free aspect of the game, because it i money made from people who are willing to buy cosmetic items instead of paying for the service of a exclusive membership, rather than using money from membership payments to provide services for other people than those who paid it in the first place?
What i'm trying to say is, priorities need to be sorted out at Jagex, especially with what people are and aren't paying for.
Generally though, the rest of the statement looked alright, thanks for doing this, Mark.
26-Jan-2013 12:21:41