RS DIES Jagex. You can see for yourself, 8/10 of the servers are members, servers which were almost impossible to get into are now at 1000 players. The waiting system to get into worlds is useless... LOOK AT YOUR GAME, OUR GAME! 100s of hours spent on pures, spent PKing and it is gone - the wild is dead. If you want it back you need the old combat system back NOW, or it will be too late. There is no denying it, you are a company who need to make money - what money will you make as people cancel memberships? The game has changed. Sure, PvM is much more exciting, but at what cost? It was too much of a change for 10,000s of players who never played the Beta. Those 400 on the Beta, over two worlds... Didn't that say SOMETHING? What ever happened to LOL-hitting a varrock guard for 250? You MUST bring back the old system in one way or another! I speak with experience with a high level 1-Defence pure. There is nothing left for us in the new system. Even on my main, the EoC is fraustrating. The game attracts a new style of player. While before it was relaxed and easy to train/ grind out skills. Now it all requires effort, the interfaces which you wanted to avoid have returned in greater strength. Something MUST be done, for the sake of your game - the players who remain slowly quit until only the maxed remain. Jagex! Even if it involves splitting the game 1/2 and 1/2 - old and new. DO SOMETHING. RuneScape, the game I played for my childhood, finally dead? The answer - NO. Not if YOU don't want it to be. You only have to take one look at RS2006 and realise those 300,000 players would play this RS if the old combat was here. Whatever it takes, cut the chat and do something - or I another 7 year long player will bite the dust...
RuneScape dies, and you will sit and watch? I think not. You aknowledge the mistake so ACT on it! Bring back the old ways, not to 2006... But to the old combat, the old style! I am not living in the past, but look to the current, NOn-existant, FUTURE.
25-Jan-2013 16:41:44