Hope you read this.
Updates like Solomon store wasn't as bad as Squeal of fortune, (although bank boosters are seen as an item which can give an advantage) because it's good to let players purchase non tradeable clothing and teleport animations with cash they may have irl, because you're a company, and as long as it doesn't effect players ingame, i don't see much wrong with it.
Updates like the Squeal of fortune however was really bad, and it's sad that in a livestream you refused to say it was real world trading because players weren't buying it for the cash value. You know it was, no matter how much value difference comparing to 3rd party sites, players get free exp and tradeable items for real cash, which is something RS felt so strongly against.
Sizzling summer was bad, i was on holiday, and didn't believe my friend when he sent me a message on Skype saying you was giving away 700,000+ exp to every member.
I fully support trade limit, because then the gold farmers and gamblers would diseapear, although the limit should be greatly lifted, 50k or whatever it was is way too low. You obviously done this to keep your members when you released Solomon and other micro-transaction updates, exp devalues overtime, the worst thing you could of done is award free exp.
I quit playing because of the EOC, not micro transactions, i don't enjoy the content and never will, but i'll still play on F2P
Tips for 2013 is to start looking at what the players WANT, read your recent updates forum, it's full of rants on most content you release.
- ** viirus
24-Jan-2013 18:55:39
- Last edited on
24-Jan-2013 18:58:43