Mod Mark,
I do see the genuine, heartfelt sharing of your thoughts and emotions.
I believe that you are sincere.
The problem is the players have a trust issue with Jagex.
We are promised things will be fixed when they are broken. They are not fixed and excuses are made.
The effect 1 action has on the entire game is NOT thought through completely.
The economy has suffered as much as our global real world economy.
Bot Nuke made the first major blow to the economy. Drops were made to be low level on high level NPCS. Potion and food costs to fight a high level NPC only to return with an inventory full of guam and your trip to kill the NPC you didnt even break even for familiar, food or potions. That was the first knife to the gut blow.
EOC killed farming, herblore, fishing. Those were mainstays that one could do to earn coin in game. Now they are useless except for a few potions that simply must be used to play the game.
The plan to take the good drops away to thwart bots didn't hurt the bots at all. It hurt the honest players. It opened the door wide for gold farmers to profit in RWT.
Mods in game as well as forum mods are rude, demeaning and treat those of us who actually play this game, as though we lacked intelligence or knowledge of the game. That has bred an environment of anger and frustrations. No one likes to be unheard or demeaned. No one likes to have no hope. Hope has been ruthlessly taken away from us with smart alec replies or flat pretending we don't exist and are worthless.
MUCH has been nerfed into time ill spent online in game. I would like to believe that all these things will be addressed and changed. Frankly, I don't see how you can. Cost will be prohibitive.
I'd also like to think that somewhere in the halls of Jagex the devs have a normal pc and not an elite gaming pc to play the game on and test new things on. Not everyone can afford an elite gaming PC or elite internet. We should not have to tweak our pc to fit your program.
24-Jan-2013 02:51:31