I've just logged onto Runescape to end my membership when I saw this post on the front page. I haven't played in several months and after the domination of Runescapes by micro payments and how hard they were pushed. All It could remind me of are those terrible Facebook games that are incredibly common. Pay to earn cash and do this and that better kind of games where player spend in game cash. That's not why I play Runescape, I play on my own and don't talk very much to other players however there was a great atmosphere among players for progress and comradery in Runescape, that's all gone. It was like a small football team, there was no way i would give up my season ticket. However after all these updates it eroded the spirit of the game. Youtube videos of people leveling with 100's of pounds brought a tear to my eye. Bots were significantly better than the current atmosphere of in game play. I wish Runesscape all the best but to me my football team is dead and i don't want to watch the games anymore. I just feel terrible about whats happened as a player of over 8 years I feel stuck into Runescape, the recent updates may be good for short term cash but they killed Runescape and I hope transformers fails and brings back jagex's attention to Runescape and if not i hope they go bust.
26-Jan-2013 19:31:32