
What's Coming & What's Going

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Oct Member 2020


Posts: 6,594 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I remain simply amazed at the level of naivete of players telling Mr. Gerhard "Oh, you care!"; "Oh you like us, you really like us!"; "Oh the humanity! 2013 will be great!"

No. He's a talented politician who knows how to spin a line (or whoever writes for him does) and dupe naive, gullible audiences over and over again. He's said the same things since he took the CEO chair in 2009. Communication hasn't gotten better, far from it. The developers seem to know less about their game, and to care less about our reaction to it, as time goes on. Lies have been rampant. About-faces on long-standing policies have come swiftly and without warning. And whether you wanted it or not (I personally wanted it, when ready), they put into place a game-changing combat system that was nowhere near ready and our current gameplay is suffering due to that decision. The game has predictably declined.

I accept the apology for last year, because, well, what else can be done at this point? I am still waiting for him to truly back up with actions, words like these that he has spoken before.

23-Jan-2013 23:08:37



Posts: 3,908 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"tackling lag, improving audio and graphical quality."
1.lag is pretty much over.
2.most players hate voiced stuff and don't play with the music on.
3.almost all of the graphical updates done last year nobody wanted or liked.

to me, it seems that jagex is just lying to cover the fact that they are just greedy and will stop at nothing to get money, even if it means they will destroy runescape.

ps. you can no longer say your offering an all inclusive membership anymore (squeal of fortune and solomon's general store offer items and cosmetics not included in the "all inclusive membership&quot ;) .

23-Jan-2013 23:09:32

Tiny Wannabe

Tiny Wannabe

Posts: 730 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
How bout some level 60 crossbows so i can use my emerald (e) bolts... some xbows that ya don't have to swet out skilling dungeoneering or hope it drops from kill even tho its an ultra ultra ultra rare drop????????????????????????????????????????

23-Jan-2013 23:15:55

Oct Member 2005


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Dec 2011
23-Jan-2013 23:09:32

2.most players hate voiced stuff and don't play with the music on.


N O N S E N S E !

I love the voiced quests and many people in my clan do also.
Those who do not can turn it of...

23-Jan-2013 23:17:32



Posts: 391 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
eoc I went to the gwd the other day and I don't like how it has changed when you are wearing all your gear and fighting 1 enemy and you get like bloodvelds and other annoying things hitting you as well... it is very annoying so much so I canceled my slayer assignment for in there, I just don't enjoy fighting in there any more, please change it back............ so you are fighting the thing you are assigned to fight by your slayer master and not a dozen other things as well.
after all it is a very inconvenient Place to get to as this makes it doubly more distasteful

23-Jan-2013 23:21:44

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 42 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I don't know if you ever are going to read this, but I personally would like to thank you for this message. I have been playing this game for years and years, sometimes it's even hard to remember the times before the Grand Exchange. When that first came out, it took a lot of criticism especially from me with the set prices, but you fixed that and it was much appreciated. Right now there are definitely improvements that could be made to EoC, but I trust that you will continue to improve the combat system and I thank you.

I am definitely looking forward to the new skills, as a skiller. Hopefully they will bring great new ways to make money, rather than be a huge money eater such as herblore and prayer. Either way I will looking forward to training it. :)

I hope that you also continue in your efforts to get rid of the bots, so the prices of items such as bones and once again climb and players can start making money by killing dragons again. I hope that you do try your hardest to make 2013 and even better year than 2012, and every other year. I wish you all the best of luck, and let me thank you for this great game. :D

23-Jan-2013 23:21:46

I am Leggera

I am Leggera

Posts: 15 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It seems everyone is so quick to criticize Jagex on the updates they make simply because it doesn't suit them. The truth is guys that Jagex D O E S know their own game and they are doing a damn good job at running it! If we didn't have the weekly updates, new content, graphical advances etc Runescape would soon become old technology and everyone would get bored and leave.

I say keep up the hard work Jagex and keep pouring the new content into the game :) I personally love a new challenge and look forward to seeing a newer, better Runescape in the future

23-Jan-2013 23:22:32

Mar Member 2008


Posts: 4,549 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

The problem persists. You still only seem to respond to players who drool and praise EoC. You're not even acknowledging the players who dislike, criticize or have serious issues with EoC and the Jan 14th update.

We can't help but feel ignored and this thread just reinforces that feeling. The only time any J-Mod pops in to post anything is to either defend one of their own when he's been attacked or to childishly chime in with "so glad you love blah-blah-blah" but no real response ever to players who try to voice their concerns about bots, gamblers and this ridiculous attempt at balancing combat called EoC.

For example, monsters that are supposedly weak to say Water Spells should also have a weakness to all Magic spells in general, yet they do not. I'm splashing more than I ever have and it's frustrating as hell. But it's supposedly just my fault and not EoC's because I'm somehow doing it wrong? Yeah, right.

How about two specific abilities: Dragon Breath and Tsunami? The first, you breathe fire to cause damage to a monster. The second, an Ultimate ability, causes a huge wall of water to run over your target. Yet neither registers as elemental spells specifically when they are supposedly weak to fire or water spells. Where is the logic in this?

Being maxed used to mean something. Not much, mind you, because even having 99 in a skill still meant you could fail an absurd amount of the time. But now with EoC, it's thousands of times worse. Yet you still proclaim this a step in the right direction.

We have serious issues with EoC. It was nowhere near ready to go live. We told you this and you didn't listen to us then. Why on earth should we believe you now?

I don't think there's a single player in the game who thinks the combat level calculation now is acceptable. There are level 200s everywhere and it's a joke now. But will you listen to us? I've given up all hope.

23-Jan-2013 23:28:56

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