I remain simply amazed at the level of naivete of players telling Mr. Gerhard "Oh, you care!"; "Oh you like us, you really like us!"; "Oh the humanity! 2013 will be great!"
No. He's a talented politician who knows how to spin a line (or whoever writes for him does) and dupe naive, gullible audiences over and over again. He's said the same things since he took the CEO chair in 2009. Communication hasn't gotten better, far from it. The developers seem to know less about their game, and to care less about our reaction to it, as time goes on. Lies have been rampant. About-faces on long-standing policies have come swiftly and without warning. And whether you wanted it or not (I personally wanted it, when ready), they put into place a game-changing combat system that was nowhere near ready and our current gameplay is suffering due to that decision. The game has predictably declined.
I accept the apology for last year, because, well, what else can be done at this point? I am still waiting for him to truly back up with actions, words like these that he has spoken before.
23-Jan-2013 23:08:37