no one answer my appeal till now from 6/1/2013 so i will send msg to Her Majesty The Queen of england to help me , i will send this msg
Her Majesty The Queen
i Complain to you Jagex Ltd. who owner runescape , i have played this game from 2007 till now ,i never breake the rules on this game
and i love it so much ,i spent hours each day in it ,i Spend all my pocket money on it,from 2007 till now to got membership
on this game ,now Jagex Ltd Punish me without reason or prove,as he say Macroing in game, i make appeal but no answer til now .
i cant access the game because he permanently banned me.
please majesty help me to remove the injustice Me
my account name :mr gmk
the address of the game
Jagex Ltd***. John's Innovation Centre,Cowley Road,Cambridge,CB4 0WS,United Kingdom
17-Jan-2013 21:12:38