This is awful -_-
Not only can I not benefit from the new pets because i can't purchase Runescape cards in Ireland, I can't benefit from Bronze-Gold Premier membership because i can't afford to spend that much money on a game?!
Look, I've been a loyal member for the past 2 years+, paying my monthly fees but i simply cannot pay more or invest in 12 months membership if there are going to be more and more updates that I disapprove of.
I've tried to ignore the EoC and get on with skilling, but you're just bringing out too much ways to make money, and target the people who live for gaming -.- I like to think I have a life!
Personally, you need to bring back the old combat level system. I hate the new 200CB and skill level showing. That's the worst thing about EoC, and maybe reduce the amount of abilities you can use, it's just too complicated for us anymore! That's how you get your members back!
22-Dec-2012 00:34:38