Personally I like the idea of these packages, because i have always been a PayByCash member and i am always jealous of people having these katana, flame skull, etc. It is a good idea that you made these things available to those that use other methods of payment like Credit cards and PayByCash. However i feel that these package, bronze and silver ones, does not really have any difference other than silver package allows 2013 beta priority and additional runecoins. It would be best if there is a unique item that makes each package unique. My idea is that you add a title to each pack, like if you buy the bronze package you will unlock a title Bronze <name>, etc, whereas if you buy Gold package, you unlock Gold <name> and that you can only unlock one title only unless such premier packages comes again next year. Thus, those that only can buy bronze, but not gold due to some reason would feel that at least there is something that Gold package buyer will not get.
28-Dec-2012 10:08:49