Umm, what about those of us who have a Recurring membership and pay every month. These rewards seem unfair to us who don't wish to buy a 12 month membership card. Can't we get these same rewards for the months we've already payed for. I'm pretty sure this recurring membership i have is close to a year now, and all i've gotten is loyalty points. which i find pointless because you get nothing of value out of it.
I bought gold membership a few days ago but I had no bank space and when I made space and went to claim the items from Diango he only had the lightning rod. I thought maybe I needed a code to redeem them but I have had no correspondence from Jagex. I don't know what to do.
I also find this very unfair on players who would like to pay monthly, is it possible to monitor how many months players have renewed there membership and if its 12 months in a row give them the rewards to.
I have been a member on and off for many many years, however if I was aware of rewards for been a consistent member (not including loyalty points) I would think twice about canceling membership.
"Priority access to any and all RuneScape closed betas in 2013."
A bit upsetting actually. See, look at half your player base and look at their membership subscription, more to the point... LOOK at how long some have been running.
I've been a loyal customer for Jagex since membership even existed, paying my money for a virtual experience *years of payments* monthly, yet people get these 'buffs' if you like by purchasing a years subscription and what not.
I think some priories need to be re-visited and more thought should be installed for your veterans, we created this game to what it is now. Through our payments your game has thrived.
Fair enough I understand Jagex is a company and it needs to make money from RS, that's fine, it doesn't effect me one bit, but a little more consideration would be much appreciated.
Don't just look at a one-off purchase bulk, look at us that haven't had anything in bonus despite having long term membership.