Lolololololol, For 2013 there is going to be vast internet cut-outs across the whole world, therefore making the membership for a whole year not the best option for me.
If you can get rid of bots for real, then many would consider.
Yeah, I used to be on that too paying $5 a month then I quit for a month or two and am no longer on it. However, you are already getting a discount while people who are no longer on that plan have to now pay more. So don't make the case that you aren't getting enough, this gold members plan is the same price for everyone and as I stated is a better deal for you unless you refuse to support SOF/Solomons.
Because i remember reading all the hates saying "Ive been a member for 5+ years and I stopped members for a day or so etc, yet people who have only been for 1 yr get in"
You can't please everyone, if Jagex did give special benefits to those who are a member for 1-5years+ you got people like me who have been, but stopped for 1day+
90% of members didnt want EoC <-- if you believe that statistic you believe any of the ones put out by jagex but back to the point of this thread many people are asking why they can't continue to pay the same way as they have always done wether they want the package or not and your not helping by glorifying jagex i suggest you go make another thread and let those here have their say
This is disgusting... I know that you're sliding in these microtransactions slowly as to not tick off the player base cause really any wizard worth his cantrips knows that there would be massive backlash if you came out and suddenly made everything available if you only paid irl money... seriously...$5 for an emote, 20$ for a teleport, $50 for a spam banner?... How long is it until you give us the option to buy rsgp? As a 8 year and some change vet through all the ups and downs..
I am disappointed in you, jagex.
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Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.
EoC knocked off alot of bots, like the sorc garden and wildy bots (Was way more wildy bots then brutal green drags)
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