sounds good BUT, what if new cosmetic content that normally is rewarded with rs game cards is released i.e. katana, after we've bought the gold subscription? Would we have to go buy the new $25 card? Or would we be entitled to things like that, cause it doesn't make sense to spend $25 to get something cosmetic when we've already committed to a year.
What if you get gold subscription, and then don't want to buy a multi-month pack, and go back to monthly members? Right now I pay $5/mo cause I'm OG like that, I don't want to end up having to pay higher just cause my gold members runs out.
How about a discount for people that have been paying members so long that they still pay $5? Cause for me it's not a 22% savings, more like a 22% increase.
20-Dec-2012 23:24:25