I'm sure you pay(ed) for membership, so shut the heck up -.-
that's all this is, membership and added items as a "BONUS" get over it "
That's precisely why I think this is stupid. You get a bonus if you buy 12 months straight, but if you've been a loyal member for the past 6 and a half years, you get nothing. In fact, it feels as a stab in the back, since for loyal members the price is actually HIGHER than what they already pay.
I take it we can't gift these packages? I need a gift for my friend...
Also, I like Windsock's idea, but I feel that his main problem with his suggestion is that the "grandfathering amounts" for how long you need to sustain membership is a bit too lenient.
I like the idea, but at least DOUBLE that (ie, six months for Bronze, a year for Silver, and I feel 2+ years for Gold)...that would be better
Oh, I almost forgot.
Oh, I already forgot.
I loved jagex couse it supported long time members and gave them benefits.
Now you are just turning into any regular money hungry company, and you probaly can use the cash, couse players leave left and right due to EOC.
I for one cant wait for everquest NEXT or Elder scrolls online! So i can be one of the people leaving aswell
20-Dec-2012 19:56:38
- Last edited on
20-Dec-2012 19:58:15
Epic Bamboo
Gorons Ruby - yes it wont cost you DAYS (I think they are talking about cards) but as others have stated long term members are currently on a reduced subscription rate, at the moment we have no guarantee that we will be paying the same rate after the 12 months is up.
Snow-Chan - thank you but I really would like confirmation and I hope your assumption is right but there is no confirmation on that.
Do not get me wrong here... I like the idea of it... However they keep stabbing loyal members in the back over and over again to the point most of them have quit or hit the IDC anymore level. However if my 5$ remains and I can buy this gold package and not be forced later into 7.50$ then I would buy it. However I have a feeling this is an attempt to get the old members ship cost up in a dirt little way.