sooooo... i want this and all but its cheaper for me to go month to month at the moment... im still at 5.96 for staying a member... so would this 12 month price lower for me cuz im at 71.52$ per 12 months and clud price is basically 75$ plz reply
Tjs109 Aug 2012 21-Dec-2012 01:10:30 Profile Highlight @shailayla
The problem is newer members get the perks and a discount
Long term members already have a larger discount.
Jagex should have just raised membership for everyone rather than this grandfathered in system they went with.
You got it half right-the problem is new members get the perks and the discount.
You can't compare past with future, well you coud and you did but it is not part of my arguement.
You are actually saying that because I was a continuous paying member I should pay more now because I had my discount in the past and now it's time for those who didn't give Jagex $ monthly in the past (while I was) to get a discount? You are not getting the point any better than Sky did.
so this is thier plan..get rid of or make the old timers quit..THOSE on the $5 a month plan...they want to break your deal with them and force you onto an *8 month plan or higher each time they come up with a new scam
bravo jagex bravo...I am now onto you.....but you still not getting a dime lol
I haven't really read too many of the comments in this thread, but I just wanted to put out there that quite a few games that resort to doing "bundles" such as this have generally done this as they do not feel confidient that people will continue paying for the longevity of the year, so they try to cash out early.
I too want clarification if the Gold membership pack is going to negate my grandfathered membership price. I don't see why Jagex would not clarify this UNLESS you are going to lose your original membership price.
With so many players asking, why not just reassure them?
I wish the bloodpouncer was part of the gold membership deal.
They are not actually giving any kind of new discount. The membership price model has always been slightly discounted if you buy 3, 6, or 12 months at a time. All they did today was add the small perks in.
While "loyal" members may have paid for a continuous length of time, the thing is you can cancel your membership at any time. The perks are for people to commit to a 12 month contract of membership.