Turns out this golden cape event being used as bait for Jagex launcher is a great thing.
I personally have no interest, but those who are prone to luring have flooded the system, exposing the issues I have been concerned about.
Just as Count Dooku predicted, I would be in the same boat with the others but my cautious approach led me to the high ground, which is my natural habitat.
you here about the problems because they are rare. if everyone posted about not having issues, you wouldnt be able to find the ones that do have issues.
this is pretty much expected with something new like this. even though its less than 1% having issues.
if we go by the rants forums its like what 8 people? and how many people have been successful in installing / switching jag account. thousands
I hear about the problems because I am looking for something very specific. The green light to move ahead.
8 people on the rants forum is immense. That works out to about 400 million IRL. Maybe less, I am still working on the conversion formula. It is also in a beta state.
To be fair, the issues of people not getting verification emails is a bit of a fluke (and not something within Jagex's control if its only happening with one email provider, since its likely something that's an issue on the provider's end). That seems to be what a good portion of the complaints are about.
The others seem to be more related to people not understanding the system and how it works, which makes me think that most likely didn't read through the newsposts that Jagex has put up over the last few months about the system. Example, many seemed to think that using the Jagex Launcher meant they had a Jagex Account.
To be fair, the issues of people not getting verification emails is a bit of a fluke (and not something within Jagex's control if its only happening with one email provider, since its likely something that's an issue on the provider's end). That seems to be what a good portion of the complaints are about.
The others seem to be more related to people not understanding the system and how it works, which makes me think that most likely didn't read through the newsposts that Jagex has put up over the last few months about the system. Example, many seemed to think that using the Jagex Launcher meant they had a Jagex Account.
indeed many it seems to not realise that they wont be logging in the same way as before.
indeed many it seems to not realise that they wont be logging in the same way as before.
I mean, it is different, and change can be difficult sometimes especially when you've been doing something the same way for a lengthy period of time. But I'm not sure what could be changed to make it 'more obvious' for someone just winging it. I'll keep thinking on that one.