I'm still trying to figure out how it works. The sails would have to be enormous, easily spotted, and easily burned. Which would cause the underwater portion to immediately stall out and sink to the bottom.
On the other hand, if the sail was underwater you could easily follow the ocean currents, at a rate of about 3 miles per week.
Now I can understand why Jagex doesn't want to talk about it.
Probably the wrong place for this but: in the quest Heartstealer, where it should go to a cutscene about making smoke bombs the game logs me out or just freezes.
Also in Edgeville south of bank, what happened to the yew tree? where there were once two trees now there is one and the upper part of the second.
Roddy, if you see this. I saw your post on FH. Trust me mate, you're fighting a losing battle here. Try as you might, there aint no way to win. It would take a miracle and a half to get any kind of change in that regard at this point. We just gotta cope, Cope, and cope even harder.
Leader of
The Enemy
The opposite of Justice is simply another Justice. What is Evil is subjective to each person.