also developing runescript is arguably advantageous for jagex since they can easily build a runescript interpreter in another language and switch their underlying engine (java) overnight without having to change their 17+ years old codebase. it also creates a secure environment where developers programming in runescript cannot even design something fatal or insecure (e.g. writing in pure java you could easily KO a server with an error, but in runescript there is literally no way to do so). which dismisses any hypothetical security flaws telcis mentioned.
I mean you can argue that, but at the same time, an interpreted language will always have lower performace than a compiled language, simply due to how they function.
It's kindof a catch-22. Either way they end up losing.
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The Enemy
The opposite of Justice is simply another Justice. What is Evil is subjective to each person.
are their evil
03-Nov-2018 03:43:48
- Last edited on
03-Nov-2018 03:44:58
Jack Flac