I, Muphin Diver, of ShatterDawn , ask that Jagex don't remove the forums
At the very least, add a clan recruitment page that exists on your website, and hook it into the game. Allow clan officers to setup and configure their clan profile on the website, setting options such as clan type (pve, pvm, skilling, etc) so folks can search by clan type, display total active member, allow members to send applications and officers can accept, and more.
Discord simply is not a suitable replacement for functions best suited for a web portal, especially features that are core to the game like clan recruitment.
Discord has its limitations. Every RS player has a website account, but not a discord account.
Discord servers can cap
Your discord mods also uphold different rules than in-game/forum rules, meaning they can be banned and thus unable to access clan recruitment, despite being in good standing with their in-game account.
Not to mention discord communities can often be unwelcoming to certain folks and wish to avoid it altogether.
Just take a look at how Tibia - another old MMO (albeit less popular) - does clan recruitment through their website. They haven't changed it and it works very well.
18-Jan-2024 18:19:42