b) there are not enough Staff with enough time to maintain it
It's B for Me. I know how hard Jagex are working and yes it takes several hours to do review.
I'm not in agreement that it should be removed. It really needs to stay for the reasons it was made for. The Community need an avenue to Jagex to report issues they feel where a F-Mod has dropped a clanger. Without that then sadly the Community may feel the F-Mods are running amuck. Which is not the case. I'm guessing the whole F-Mod team want the Revew thread left open and to be used by the Community.
At times yes it does take several weeks from addressing the reports. Sadly it's down to staffing. In an ideal World dealing with Review weekly would be great for everyone.
I'd favour seeing FMR requests moved to the Community E-Mail inbox instead, which would then allow our
L-Mods to action FMR requests.
The community E-Mail inbox is used for moderation reviews for the RuneScape Discord (namingly ban appeals though general moderation reviews can be send through as well). So it is a tried method.
Though I can see the appeal of wanting to have visibility on actioned FMR posts, that only works if requests are being actioned in a timely manner. The pros of moving to E-Mail heavily outweigh the cons.
I concur with Iceberg. Although the community wouldn't have the ability to see the outcome, it'd give CMs Nick, Arbor, Shaddie and Brandon the opportunity to promptly respond to the reports made against Forum Moderators. This means that as of this precise moment, you would have four CMs looking after reports with different shits on hand, which dictates that they would be able to encompass most of the 24-hour day.
if the requests are moved there, that doesn't necessarily preclude/prevent a
answer on a forums FMR sticky (one that would have only 'answers/responses' so no need for an auto hide).
I like where this is going. This reminded me of the Live Q&A discussions that Jagex Moderators used to conduct many eons ago, something like
Live Developer Q&A - Answers
. For FMR responses, a sticky would be created by a CM, something along the line of "FMR - Public Inbox Replies", where one of them would simply reference the concern reported and the answer/action that has been taken by the CM attending at the time.
Though I can see the appeal of wanting to have visibility on actioned FMR posts, that only works if requests are being actioned in a timely manner.
This is the whole crux of the matter.
~~~~ Just another victim of the ambient morality ~~~~
b) there are not enough Staff with enough time to maintain it
It's B for Me. I know how hard Jagex are working and yes it takes several hours to do review.
I'm not in agreement that it should be removed. It really needs to stay for the reasons it was made for. The Community need an avenue to Jagex to report issues they feel where a F-Mod has dropped a clanger. Without that then sadly the Community may feel the F-Mods are running amuck. Which is not the case. I'm guessing the whole F-Mod team want the Revew thread left open and to be used by the Community.
At times yes it does take several weeks from addressing the reports. Sadly it's down to staffing. In an ideal World dealing with Review weekly would be great for everyone.
By the way this thread has been passed along to the team.
The existing FMR system is outdated and ineffective.
I reiterate my previous point - simply install a native "report" option on each and every post ever made, this would flag a post for moderator/administrator review. phpBB software
inherently does this
, and it's freeware FFS.
And as for the problem of abuse, that's easily handled - if someone abuses the function, they lose the access to it. Not a mistake once or twice, but repeated flagrant abuse.
I think it'd be fine to stay exactly as it is - provided someone actually reviewed it more than once every millenium.
The basic problem seems to be it is a total non-priority as, indeed, is the entire RSOF. Given that, I cannot see anything changing for the better. I doubt Jagex will even bother to remove FMR such is their level of overall neglect.