Personally, with the current state of the Forums, I do not believe it's productive to add ways to reject or shoo people away instead of bringing in more members. During prior years, I'd definitely be open to some sort of ignoring method to avoid seeing trolls, spammers and whatnot. As of right now, I do not believe it's necessary to add ways to reduce the amount of active users. We are lucky if we get 10-20 at any given time. We should be focusing on methods to bring in more users and increment the amount of members within the RSOFs Community.
Whenever I am using the Internet, I have a rule: never pay attention to something that does not hurt me, specially, if it's coming from someone I do not even know in real life. Yes, I do agree that we are not the same but it's inconceivable to allow a stranger to get to your head through an online game. If there is an instance when someone is trolling me or spamming a thread of mine, I simply ignore their comments and I never engage them. To that end, I simply escalate the matter to the persons that are capable of removing such a menace from my gaming experience.
I'm not saying that your idea isn't plausible; I just think it isn't something that we currently need. With the amount of members that are online right now, we should be striving to attract more users to join the community, not removing them or blocking them from participating in certain discussions. During the Forums Golden Age, we'd see about 400-600 active users at a time and we'd have about 20-30 CM J-Mods. Maybe back then this could have been useful, but definitely not at this precise moment.
14-Sep-2020 21:31:34