I don't think a like system is going to bring everyone back from Reddit, but that's just my opinion. I think I've settled that I support the idea to allow likes, but I don't think dislike should be an option. No need to post at all if you don't like the idea and having to post about your dislike almost requires an explanation, which leads to discussion and the potential to shape an idea into an improved version.
Tbh, it goes both ways; if you dislike/don't support, you should explain why, and if you like/do support, you should still do the same. That is because of e.g. the following two types of people:
1. Clannie supporters; people from the same clan as the OP, who post "support!" without any explanation quite soon after the OP posted the thread. This gives the implication that they're only supporting it because it's their clannie's thread, possibly without even knowing what the idea is if the clannie asked them to come and support their thread (which is why you often see these people post within the hour of the thread's creation, usually with next to non-existent previous forum history).
2. "Sympathy supporters"; unlike the first type, these people are also classified as a problem by Jagex itself (they briefly talked about this on a livestream before). These people typically support many ideas out of sympathy for the OP, wanting his wish to be fulfilled, but without actually considering whether idea would be beneficial for the game, and if it was, just how beneficial it would actually be (e.g. would it benefit half the playerbase, or just less than 1%).
It'd be better if the forums remained more meaningful than that, because currently, you can tell who has properly considered the idea in question and who hasn't. If you could just like without posting anything, you could no longer tell how many of those likes are meaningful and how many are e.g. a part of the above two types. > )