Stoat King
I too would be interested in more information / clarification.
Not that I'm that bothered one way or the other. Just curious.
Considering how adamant you were Stoat about our updating the forums, I would have hoped you would have found this rather large impact update to be considerably more beneficial than it seems you do. A shame, really.
Mod Lyon
I'm fickle lol.
In all seriousness though, I just worded it really badly.
I think this is a fantastic update that has already had an enormous impact.
Thanks, and kudos to the whole team.
However, I wouldnt have been entirely surprised if it turned out that pictures didnt work out well with the rsof community. Which is a little odd in some ways.
But thats a completely different topic.
Please dont think that I was saying "meh - who cares anyway" - that was not my intention at all. I'm over the moon that we are finally getting forum updates.
I'd be interested to hear why in the past mods have cited copyright issues as a reason for not allowing them despite circumstances being the same then as they are now?
Because those mods were speaking on the assumption we would host the images ourselves. If someone contacted us and legitimately requested / demanded we remove an image, we likely would however ultimately the burden as I say lies with Imgur, as they are hosting the image.
This is pretty cool, although it will definitely take some getting used to.
One suggestion - can the images say "CLICK to reveal" instead of "Select to reveal"? "Select" sounds like you need to drag your cursor over the image (e.g. highlight it).
Gosh. How exciting. Proper JMods have taken feedback on board and acted upon it.
And something considered a bit of a radical move, no less !
If anyone was ever going to do it, it was this Team.
Now all I've got to do is figure out how to put something on Imgur then load it down to Wilf's bird thread. I so want him to see the miniature menacing Goldcrest at my kitchen window.
Thanks, Web Team. What else you got tucked up your sleeves for us, I wonder.